Why feeding Feral Pigeons isn t good

If you require professional help for pest control Barnsley, Apex Pest Control offers pest management to businesses and homeowners.

Feeding feral pigeons may be bad as we don t really know what to feed or how much should we feed these birds. Although it is not illegal to feed them, it s better to be cautious. It may also a result of these birds going back to your property and the next thing you know is they have already caused damage. It is also hazardous to our health, as their poop may be contaminated that even breathing dust or water droplets that contain contaminated droppings will be bad for our health. For pigeon proofing, it is best to contact pigeon control services near you. Contact Apex Pest Control Barnsley at 01226 397691.

Stopping a pest infestation quickly is critical to reducing damage to your property, your health and loss of profits. Apex Pest Control in Barnsley specialises in pest control, to find out more visit Apex Pest Control Barnsley


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