Biscuit beetles

If you require professional help for pest control Barnsley, Apex Pest Control offers pest management to businesses and homeowners.

Biscuit beetles do not bite humans. However, they can be found in the kitchen savoring flours, biscuits, bread, cereals, nuts, even on our pets food. Though they are not known to carry diseases. The problem they cause to homeowners and businesses are they multiply fast as the female beetles can lay more than 100 eggs at a time making a batch of food in your pantry unsalable. Keep your food clean by calling the nearest pest control within Barnsley. Apex Pest Control 35 Whitecross Ave Barnsley S72 01226 397691

Stopping a pest infestation quickly is critical to reducing damage to your property, your health and loss of profits. Apex Pest Control in Barnsley specialises in pest control, to find out more visit Apex Pest Control Barnsley


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